Sunday, January 27, 2008

Simba's intro...that's me being smothered to death by my too adoring mommy

hi. i'm simba. i'm an asian leopard cat and my daddy, dr h bought me for one thousand dollars for christmas last year. that make me the most expensive cat of this household...if that's the case why am i constantly humiliated?? i mean, look at this picture? would you want to be in  my position? i posted this to show you that yes, my mommy and daddy spoil me and are TOO affectionate with me. i mean I NEED TO BREATH! HELLO!! ok, so i'm a purebred, which translates into some serious genetic psychological defects, but hey, i have my rights?  this is my mommy, i love her very much but i wish she would not take these ridiculous pictures of me. i do look adorable, come to think of it though. i love my spots and stripes, the ocicats ONLY have spots... i have stripes AND spots....this is daddy's office in our home. daddy just put up wallpaper. i sure had fun getting into the glue and water;i like water by nature except when mommy gives me a bath. i also hate it when daddy does his medical stuff on me when i need any treatment. i appreciate it yeah, but hey, i don't even get the vet warning feeling like other cats who at least know its coming. well, i have to leave some room for sonata on the wind, she is very pushy and thinks she's my mother and is always licking me etc. btw, i have NO idea what prettygirl is talking about this silly thing of me nursing on mommys neck in the early morning hours and how much i LOVE doing that...and how comforting it is to me...uh, well, anyway, that must be some other cat and they think its me. love, simba THE ONLY BENGAL IN THE HOUSE.


hi, my  name is prettygirl. as you can plainly see, i'm an cinnamon-spotted ocicat. my mommy and daddy thought they were being cute when they shut the door for a minute of this shiny, gold moving thing they call a "grandfather clock." they are always fussing with it and i like to climb inside and  see what all the brew ha ha is about. i guess they thought "hey, wouldn't it be adorable if we took a picture of prettygirl in the clock?" i, for one, DID NOT enjoy this part of my overall cat experience.

i still like to go in the clock when mommy is cleaning it or when daddy is changing stuff in it, but THIS time i will not climb ALL they way in lest they try this trick again. anyway, i thought i'd start this blog because mommy and daddy are always staring at this big white box with a picture of a bitten apple on it and move this thing with their hands they call a "mouse" its all very confusing to me. but after playing near and around them, as they are doing this, i got interested in maybe writing about the things that i like to do. i share our beautiful home with 2 other kitties, Sonata on the Wind, another ocicat like me, except silver-spotted and Simba, who can  be a real PAIN sometimes, a Bengal cat. Simba thinks she is royalty or something just because she has more WILD BLOOD in her than we do. I rather think we are more domesticated aka civilized. plus she is ALWAYS jumping up on the counters and still nurses on mommys neck...i mean gosh, she is a year and a half already, GET OUT of the kitten phase already. of course, i'm perfect and don't ever annoy mommy and daddy and i'm sure i'm their favorite. btw, daddy is a doctor and takes care of human  babies and their mommies. everytime i would get comfortable by his feet at night some thing would ring and i'd here him say "i'll be right in" and then next thing i know my bedwarmer is gone out the door. i mean this goes on all night. why can't these humans have babies at a descent hour of the day and not interrupt my precious sleep? well, we also have outdoor kitties that mommy got from the humane society or place where kitties that have no mommies and daddies and are homeless live. they are in various "kitty condo's" that daddy built in the garage and seem very happy. i will get to them later, for now i have to go take a nap. simba and sonata will post later. but i think you'll like me the best. i am not narcissistic  btw.  love, prettygirl